2024-09-20 Friday



BLS International Services LLC, Oman is the approved agency for providing Passport and Visa services in the Sultanate on behalf of Embassy of India,Oman.

Global Money Exchange and BLS has formulated a working arrangement to collect the Passport/Visa application on behalf of BLS

Following Branches are selected for offering Passport Services .Buraimi,Duqm,Ibri,Khasab,Nizwa Firq,Sur,Sohar,Salalah Souq,Shinas




Passport Services


Visa Services


Documents Attestation



General guidelines for applying for passport services


Physical Presence: All applicants seeking passport or passport related services are required to be physically present at the time of making application in the Sultanate of Oman and should visit in person at our locations at Sur, Sohar, Nizwa, Salalah Souq, Buraimi, Khasab, Ibri, Duqm and Shinas. This is alsoapplicable for minors and newborn babies.

Validity: An ordinary passport is valid for 10 years from the date of issue; however, the Passport Issuing Authority (PIA) can issue passport even for a shorter duration. Minors are issued passports for 5 years or up to attaining 18 years, whichever is earlier.

Tatkal Services: For Tatkal Services the applicant has to visit in person at BLS Office. Tatkal Services has to be applied between 8 AM and 9 AM on Sunday –Thursday.

Delivery: Delivery of the serviced document would be done, preferably, to the applicant himself / herself or to the person authorized by the applicant in writing and accompanied with the official receipt given to him / her at the time of submission of the application for service.

Required Documents: All applications are to be accompanied with a photocopy of the prescribed pages of the passport - first two pages, last page and the page containing valid visa and pages with any observation in passport. A copy of the ID card / Resident Card has to be also enclosed.

Fees: Fees once received, cannot be refunded, even if application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.


Passport Services

   Services (INDIA) Fee(OMR)  
  1  New Passport Ordinary 30.150  
  2  New Passport Jumbo (62 pages passport) 39.750  
  3  New Passport Child Minor (5-18 years) 20.550  
  4  New Passport Child With Birth Certificate (baby) 29.150  
  5  Damaged Passport Ordinary 59.050  
  6  Damaged Passport Jumbo 68.650  
  7  Lost Passport Ordinary 59.050  
  8  Lost Passport Jumbo 68.650  
  9  Lost Passport Expired 30.150  
  10  Damaged Passport Ordinary 59.050  
  11  Damaged Passport Jumbo 68.650  
  12  Police Clearance Certificate 10.950  
  13  Birth Certificate as per Passport 10.950  
  14  NOC 10.950  
  15  NRI Certificate 10.950  
  16  Fax or Telex 5.250  
  17  Emergency Certificate 7.050  
  18  Miscellaneous corrections 5.150  


1. EAP-1. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2. Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35, any other endorsement page, visa page with additional booklets. In case if visa is expired, then Company letter is required along with Sponsor ID Card copy, CR papers of the Company.

3. White background recent (not older than 3 months) photograph with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible. Two photographs if passport issued from Muscat and five photographs if passport issued from other PIA.

4. Photocopy of the resident card.

5. The applicant should submit the application in person for identification

6. In case old passports issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in triplicate with photo pasted).



1.EAP-1 and Annexure D. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2.Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35, any other endorsement page, visa page with additional booklets, if any. For minor (up to 18 years) parent’s passports and copies are required.

3. Both the parent's original passport and its copy with valid visa is must and physical presence of both parents is required while submitting the application.

4. Annexure C in case of single parent

5. Passport size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm, white background recent (not older than 3 months) photograph with dark dress and frontal view, ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible. Expression on the face should be natural. No uniform photographs. Two photograph if passport issued from Muscat and five photographs if passport issued from other PIA.

6. Photocopy of the resident card of parents.

7. A passport expired more than one year back should be supported by a Delay Sworn Affidavit explaining the circumstances and the reasons for late renewal.

8. Personal presence of both the parents along with the child.

9. In the case of passports issued from other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in triplicate with photo pasted)



1.Application, in the prescribed format, for registration of birth and issue of birth certificate (Registration of the birth of the child born in Oman should be done in the Embassy with one year from the date of birth). In all cases beyond one year, parents have to register birth at www.indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in. under section 4 (1) delayed birth registration. Upload all data and child's photograph. Take printout and visit Indian Embassy office in Al Khuwair for further processing (Both parents presence is required)

2.Application in EAP I form duly filled in and signed by both the parents and complete in all respects.

3.Birth Registration Form is to be submitted.

4.Sworn Affidavit of parents is to be submitted.

5.Personal presence of both the parents with the child along with original passport of the parents.

6.Photocopy of present valid passports of both the parents including resident visa page.

7.Original Birth Certificate (after attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sultanate of Oman) along with a photocopy of the same.

8.Passport copy of Father & Mother with spouse name endorsement should be submitted.

9.Photocopy of the resident card of parents.

10.Two latest identical passport size photographs (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm without border), in plain white background and dress in dark colour. Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible.



1.EAP-1. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2.Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35, any other endorsement page, visa page with additional booklets, if any. For minor (up to 18 years) parents passports and copies are required.

3.White background recent (not older than 3 months) photograph with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible. Two photograph if passport issued from Muscat and five photographs if passport issued from other PIA.

4.Original marriage certificate issued by Registrar of marriage and its copy and wife passport copy.

5.Spouse passport copy if available.

6.Resident card copy of the applicant.

7.Applicant should submit the application in person for identification.

8.In case old passports issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in duplicate with photo pasted).



1.EAP-II. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport

2.Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35, any other endorsement page, visa page with additional booklets.

3.Two recent photos (not older than three months, no uniform) with white background with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible.

4.Photocopy of the resident card.

5.The applicant should submit the application in person for identification.

6.In case old passports issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in duplicate with photo pasted).

7.A declaration by the applicant to the effect that he has not stayed in India for more than 182 days during the previous financial year (1st April….to 31st March).

8.If the applicant wants to have the name of his / her / son / daughter mentioned in the NRI certificate, then the applicant should give a copy of the passport (1st and last pages of the child) (the name of other relatives of the applicant will not be mentioned in the certificate).



1.EAP-II. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2.Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35, any other endorsement page, visa page with additional booklets, if any. For minor (up to 18 years) parents passports and copies are required.

3.Seven recent photos (not older than three months, no uniform) with white background with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible.

4.In case old passports issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in duplicate with photo pasted).

5.Photocopy of the resident card.

6.The applicant should submit the application in person for identification.

7.Copy of latest valid police clearance certificate in English (Original to be shown) obtained from Oman Authorities and attested from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sultanate of Oman.

8.In case old passport is issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in duplicate with photo pasted).



1.EAP-1. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2 Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35 and visa page with additional booklets, if any.

3.White background recent (not older than 3 months) photograph with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible. Two photograph if passport issued from Muscat and five photographs if passport issued from other PIA.

4.In case of deletion of spouse name Divorce decree issued by a competent court or death certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, as applicable, or Annexure E with a request letter from the applicant to be submitted.

5.Spouse passport copy if available.

6.Resident card copy of the applicant.

7.Applicant should submit the application in person for identification.



1.EAP-1. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2.Current passport in original with photocopy of page 1, 2, 33, 35, any other endorsement page, visa page with additional booklets, if any. For minor (up to 18 years) parent’s passport copies are required with valid visas along with application or Annexure C.

3.White background recent (not older than 3 months) photograph with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible. Two photograph if passport issued from Muscat and five photographs if passport issued from other PIA.

4.Photocopy of the resident card.

5.The applicant should submit the application in person for identification.

6.Paper cutting in original of two leading daily newspaper notifying the change of name; one preferably English daily newspaper, should be of the area of applicant's permanent address in India and another daily newspaper of the area of applicant's present address.(Format for the newspaper notification should be attested from the Embassy of India).
Paper cutting should be submitted after 1 month from the date of advertisement published in the newspaper.
** Format of newspaper notification is given below:
I, ____________son/daughter of (Names of both parents)_______________, holder of Indian Passport No__________, issued at _____________on _______________, permanent resident of ________ (full postal address in India to be given) and presently
residing at _____(full postal address in Oman to be given) do here by change by name from __________________ to _________________, with immediate effect

7.Two Indian ID proof with the new name to be provided in original.

8.In case old passports issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in duplicate with photo pasted).



1.EAP-1. All particulars in application should tally with those in the present passport.

2.Personal particular form India.

3.Passport copy and Oman visa page copy.

4.White background 6 recent (not older than 3 months) photograph with dark dress and frontal view (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm). Ears, forehead to chin to be completely visible.

5.Photocopy of the resident card.

6.First Information Letter (FIR) from the police authorities.

7.A letter addressed to the Embassy, from the sponsor / employer of the applicant on the Company’s letterhead intimating about the loss of the passport. One photo of the applicant should also be pasted on the letter.

8.Sworn Affidavit explaining the circumstances under which the passport was lost, details of travel on lost passport, details of travel concessions including transfer of residence benefits, Foreign Exchange availed of , imports made by the applicant on the lost passport and places of stay and work in Oman since arrival.

9.Annexure F to be filled.

10.In case old passports issued by other PIA's (passport issuing Authorities) Personal Particulars form (in duplicate with photo pasted).






Appointment System for Indian Passport Renewal Services


From 5th May 2020 onwards, we are starting a new Appointment System for Indian Passport Renewal Services through our selective branches.  We believe that the new appointment system will help us all to avoid crowding in view of the COVID-19 outbreak. Please send the details to our whatsapp number (Applicant's Name,GMEC Branch,Mobile Number,Passport Number,Passport Expiry Date)   92581541.     Please note appointment slots will be allocated to the applicants within 24 hours after receiving the above details  







Mobile Number :- 9935 5949

Email:- gmec29@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 09:00 AM -12:00 Noon (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9921 6757

Email:- gmec27@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 05:00 PM -07:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9935 5984

Email :- gmec30@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 5:00 PM -07:00 PM ( Sunday - Friday)




Mobile Number :- 9955 6133

Email :- gmec46@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 10:00 AM -12:00 Noon (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9941 8053

Email; gmec17@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 05:00 PM -07:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9923 1712

Email ;- gmec12@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 05.00 PM -07:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9192 2675

Email ;- business@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 05.00 PM -07:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9383 8760

Email :- gmec26@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9988 5625

Email :- gmec4@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 11.00 AM -01:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9063 4682

Email; gmec15@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 05:00 PM -07:00 PM (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9988 5624

Email:- gmec3@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 09:00 AM -12:00 Noon (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9069 1859

Email:- gmec50@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 09:00 AM -12:00 Noon (Sunday - Thursday)




Mobile Number :- 9910 1812

Email:- gmec11@globalmoneyexchange.net

Timing for Calling :- 09:00 AM -12:00 Noon (Sunday - Thursday)



Fees (including Embassy fee ,CW Surcharge  and BLS Service charge ) BLS Value  Added Service Charge may be levied extra.

Sl No Service Fees
1 Power of Attorney 09.150
2 The  Will Deed 20.850
3 Sworn Affidavit including Vakatalatnama/sending bringing children/consent/NOC/Authority/Marriage Affidavit/Sending pet etc 05.250
4 Birth Registration of new born baby 09.150
5 Re-Registration of Birth /Duplicate Birth Certificate 11.050
6 True Copy Attestation (two different documents on a single page not allowed) 05.250 for each document
7 Attestation of School Seal /MoFA stamp 05.250
8 Life Certificate for persona/or any other purpose 01.350
9 NRI Certificate for higher education for son/daughter/cousin/brother/nephew/niece/ or for self 11.050
10 commercial Documents 20.850
11 NOC for Making Omani Passport 11.050
12 Police clearance for other nationalities (non-indians) 11.050




Power of Attorney (Single /joint  or 'n' Number of executors) - Requirements ; Properly worded deed- 2sets (one ( original + one copy) ; passport & Resident Card in original ;1 set of Passport copy - font page ,last page  and Vise Page; 2 recent passport size photographs of each executor; Executor /s must come in person and sign in front of the Officer one every page who will attest  the signature /s on the 1st page of the copy only .Signature should match with that in Passport .Fee - Ro 9.150



The will deed -requirements : Properly worded deed -2 sets (one original + one copy ); Passport &Resident Card in original ;1 set of Passport copy Front page , Last page and Visa page; Executor and 2 witnesses must come in person with Original Indian Passport ,2ecent passport size photographs each and copy of Resident Card .Fees R.O - 20.850



1) Vakalatnama or Sworn Affidavit t engage a lawyer - Requirements : Properly worded /filled up Deed -2 set (one orginal + one copy); Passport & Resident Card in Original ; 1set of Passport copy Front page ,last page and Visa page; Executant must furnish a job requesting   from giving specific information about the case . Fees R.O - 5.250

2) Sworn Affidavit by parents /Mother/Father  to send (or/&)bring minor child /children  with known person -Requirements ; Duty filled in proforma-2set (one original + one copy); Passport & Resident card in original ;1 set of Passport copy -Front page last page and visa ; Recent photographs of children and accompanying person. (For bringing  child /children to Oman by either Father  or mother alone ,a notarized NOC from the Father may e attached ; if divorced ,Count decree granting custody may be submitted ). Fees R.O - 5.250

3. Marriage Affidavit : Affidavit for name change; obtaining new born's birth certificate ;divergence certificate (one and same person), NRI  sponsorship ; adding grand father's name in Omani Passport ; Self Declaration for Visa Processing for parents ,wife ,children, NOC for wife taking up job -Requirement: Duly filled in proforma -2 st (one original + one copy  ); Passport & Resident Card in Original ;1 set of Passport copy-Front page ,last page and Visa page Recent photograph of the executor (as the case may be ). Fees - RO -5.250.


4. True copy Attestation of Education certificate ; passport copies/ Driving License /Aadhar Card , Attesting MoFA stamp on salary Certificate and other document -Requirements :2set (one original + one copy) Passport & Resident card in original ;1 set of passport copy- Front page; last page and Visa Page ;(Fo Salary certificate and Employment/experience certificate ,two recent passport size photographs may be attached .For Salary Certificate with salaries exceeding Ro 400/- pm bank statement for the last 3moths may be attached ); NoFA stamp is required for indian School issued Salary Certificate and Employment  certificate  but must be signed/countersigned by the principal and School Seal be affixed .For true copy attestation of Education Certificate ,All educational Certificate must be verified by  the concerned state Higher Education Department or the Technical Board, as the case be ,and authenticated by the state General Administration Department .Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate could be verified online .For attesting Marriage Certificate /Affidavit , name should be endorsed in each other Passports Fees  R.O-5.250 each 



Birth Registration of New Born Baby :- Duly filled in proform, Original +1 copy f ROP issued BC; Original +1 copy each of Parents'  Passport and baby's Passport size Photograph .Fees -RO -09.150/-



1).Re -Registration of Birth- Available to those who, born in Oman . Duly filled in birth registration form ,1copy of Eol, Muscat Issued BC ;Original +1 Copy each of parents' and applicants current Passport copies plus applicant's Passport size Photograph .Fees- Ro-11.050/-   

2).Duplicate Birth Certificate - duty filled in application on EAP-II from ;1copy of EoI, muscat issued BS; original +1 copy each of Parents' and application current  Passport copies plus applicant's Passport size Photograph ,if applicant is a major ,parents 'Passport copies not required .Fees - RO -11.050



Life Certificate :Person must present himself /her self before the Officer. Requirements : Duly filled in proforma - 2 set (one original  + one copy ); Passport &Resident Card in original ; 1 set of Passport copy -Front page , last page and Visa page ; Copy of PPOor PPO Number;2 recent passport size photographs . Fees RO - 1.350



NOC for Making Omani passport :-Applicant must come before the Officer; Application of EAP-II from; a request for the same one a white paper (hand written/printed) addressed to the Eol, Musact; Original  Passport Must accompany the Application. RO- 11.050  



NRI Certificate -Duly filled in Application on EAP- II from ;A self declaration stating the entry /exit in India during the last Financial year .Passport must accompany the Application  RO-11.050



PCC for Other Nationalities :- Duly filled in Application on EAP-II from A self declaration  starting the Adress \period of stay in India for which the PCC is required .Passport must accompany the Application. Ro-11.050



Commercial documents :- All Commercial documents viz Commercial Affidavit ;Attesting MoFA stamp on commercial documents; Commercial GPA for forming company ,dissolving company ;Running a company  etc . may be charged RO -20.850 /- (may be consulted the Embassy Attestation Officer/Consular Officer in advance




**** VAT & VAS charges will be applicable on the requisite services. ****