2025-03-31 Monday


INSTANT CREDIT FACILITY TO BANKS IN INDIA - Global Money Exchange announces instant account credit facility to all major banks in India, 24 X 7 days, even after Banking hours through IMPS. Through this facility, remittances made to India will be credited immediately, irrespective of banking hours as well as holidays.

WE ACCEPT NBO CARDS TOO - You can make remittances through Global Money Exchange using your NBO debit card. Earlier, the facility of making remittances using debit card was restricted to Bank Muscat customers only.

GLOBAL FREEDOM EXTENDED TO NBO , BANK DHOFAR & BANK SOHAR CUSTOMERS - We are happy to announce the extension of our Global Freedom service - the hassle free service for making large value remittances - to NBO customers too. Now, customers enjoying banking facility with NBO can also avail our GLOBAL FREEDOM remittance service, without any additional cost.

NEW ARRANGEMENT WITH AGRANI BANK & NCC BANK, BANGLADESH - To provide more options for remittances to Bangladesh, Global Money has entered into tie ups with Agrani Bank and NCC Bank, Bangladesh. Tie ups with these leading banks will result in faster credits for the account holders of the above banks and also provides Bangladesi remitters more options to choose from.

NEW ARRANGEMENT WITH NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN  -  Pakistani corridor is explored further with our new tie up with National Bank of Pakistan (3rd Banking Partner in Pakistan). With a branch network of about 1500 branches, NBP remittance tie ups will help the pakistani customer to make remittances to any part of the country.